There Is No Arizona
Actually, I can now verify that there is. I'm back from the Sonoran desert, where Scott fell in love with saguaros, and I fell in love with sycamores. Three days into my vacation, I got really sick and lost 50 IQ points. At least. They're still missing, I'm still miserable, but it's nice to be home. Although I'm feeling very doubtful about AWP right now. Hope everyone is well. Photos and points of interest to follow when I achieve coherence. There were ravens everywhere.
Sort of doubtful, on and off. Whatever it is that I caught, it comes with a terrible melancholy. Which I'm hoping will go away soon. Because I'm feeling like a big sissy about travelling by myself and meeting new people right now, but hopefully, that will pass.
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And I should have said, thank you for inquiring (grin). The social graces are in abeyance, as well.
You were here for our most beautiful weather!
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